Życzenia z okazji rocznicy ślubu

May you rock each other's life at all times; and your love and liking for each other grow with each passing day!Happy wedding anniversary to a wonderful couple!


A house is built by hands.
But a home is built by hearts.
You can live without something.
If you have someone to live for.
Happy Marriage Anniversary!

I'm wishing you a marriage that is:
Less argumentative and more bonding;
Less nagging and more encouraging;
Less worrisome and more enjoyable;
Less of egoism and more of love.
Happy Wedding Anniversary!

Life bestows love's blessing, On a very special few;
And I believe it happened, When life encountered you.
You are a perfect couple in a marriage that is blessed;
May your love shine like a beacon, a guide for all the rest.
Happy Anniversary!

A you're not only a wonderful person but a great friend. Its a blessing to have both of them in you.
Thanks for making home the loveliest place on earth.
Wish you a very Happy Wedding Anniversary!

A house is built by hands but a home is built by hearts. 
You can live without something only if you have someone to live for.
Happy Wedding Anniversary!


A very happy first / second / fifth / tenth / twentieth / thirtieth wedding anniversary to you, with our warmest wishes of all the best for your coming years together! – Szczęśliwej pierwszej / drugiej / piątej / dziesiątej / dwudziestej / trzydziestej rocznicy ślubu, wraz z naszymi najserdeczniejszymi życzeniami wszystkiego najlepszego w nadchodzących latach, które spędzicie razem!

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